This is what we did this January in our Pre – K Classroom, we start every morning with Circle time. This is where we learn today , tomorrow and yesterday, the day of the week and the year. We usually sing several songs about the month or things that go with it. For example: we sing a song called, Make A Snowball, because our season is winter and snowballs are related to winter. They love this song and love to sing it. We sing several other songs, then we go over our sight words, and any letter sounds we are talking about for the day.We will then watch a short video from YouTube connected to the letter sound or a theme for one of our art projects we are doing. For example: we made polar bears and so we watched a little story about a polar bear.
After circle time we go back to our seats and work on our daily work and an art project if we have one. In our daily work we work on spelling/sight words, we do math page, a sight word page, then we try to write in our journals, where we are learning how to write sentences. Thank you all for sharing your children with me and I enjoy them so much. They are a great group of kids.