Lesson plan for July 2023:
Dear Parents,
I cannot believe it is already August.

We have been working on our letters and numbers in our pre-K classroom. We have also learned that the calendar calendar has seven days in a week Monday Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and what We have learned what day comes before what day comes after, and we are also learning the months of the year, and our seasons. we will be taking a little break, from our letters to learn rhyming words.. this is an important skill to learned in the reading process. It is a difficult skill for the kids to catch on to. So don’t be surprised if your child has trouble with it but they will eventually get it and I enjoyed meeting so many of you at the parent teacher conferences. It was my pleasure.
so don’t be surprised if your child has trouble with it but they will eventually get it and I enjoyed meeting so many of you at the parent teacher conferences. It was my pleasure.
Ms. Nancy
Lesson plan for June 2023:
Dear parents

I am looking forward to this new school year and working with your children these first few weeks of school we are learning or letter sounds
We began with the letter S and has been working on how to make it the capital and lowercase S and the sound. It makes and words that start with the letter S we are also working on the number one again learning how to write it.
We have been learning about the days of the week and months of the year and counting to 100 and the seasons of the year. We also work on the calendar, placing the dates and the day before yesterday and tomorrow. We have been learning about the days of the week and months of the year and counting to 100 and the seasons of the year. We also work on the calendar, placing the dates and the day before ,yesterday and today and tomorrow.
Hope you guys are having a great summer and enjoy the fourth
Hope you guys are having a great summer and enjoy the fourth
Ms. Nancy
Lesson plan for May 2023:
Dear Parents,

Can you believe it’s already May and time for graduation!!! We have been working very hard on practicing our song and dance. Hope you all enjoy it. We have also been working on our ending sounds and subtraction and addition. working on the reading skill and at the same time practicing some kindergarten requirement skills. hope everyone is ready for summer a little rest and relaxation and some fun in the sun.
Lesson plan for April 2023:
Dear parents,

My goodness how this month flew by! We have been very busy this month we have started practicing for preschool graduation. I hope that everyone received the notes with the words to a song and where to find a video on how to perform the motions if you did not receive it, let me know.
We have been working on the first sounds in words and will begin working on the last sounds in the word soon. In math we are continuing to count sort classify and learn addition if you have any questions about graduation let me know it will be June 17, 2023. We will be sending more information about What to wear and the times it will be in what time your child should arrive as the date draws closer. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the month and I’ll see you next month.
Lesson plan for March 2023:
Dear Parents,

Can you believe it’s April already this year has just flew by We have accomplished a lot this year This last month we worked on the last of our alphabet sounds, and are starting the beginning sounds of words. We are also working on colors, and sorting and position words. We are also working on retelling stories on the flannel board. We also worked on patterns with the counting bears and linking cubes and parquetry blocks. And the kids built with Lego blocks which they all love to play with. I will be sending the words to the song we are going to do for graduation, and when you can find it on YouTube Kids so that you may practice with your child at home as well as us practicing here at school. I hope everyone has a great month. Look forward to seeing you soon .
Ms. Nancy
Lesson plan for February 2023:
Dear Parents,
This past month we have finished up learning our last few letter sounds and have begun learning
our vowel sounds.. a,e and i. We have also been learning how to sound out CVC words and
how to spell them. In math we learned about greater than and less than and equals to. We have
also begun learning About patterns ,such as AB. ABC, and AAB patternsWe also have been
trying to learn how to write a sentence using some of our
CVC words in our sentences. I’m
Well I hope everyone has a wonderful month and is looking forward to spring. Also the time
change which I’m not looking forward to.
Ms. Nancy
Lesson plan for January 2023:
Dear parents, hope everyone is having a great start to the new year, and everyone is staying well.
This last month we worked on short, a words, reading, short, a words, spelling, short, a words, and a
plain and short knowledge of a words.at And applying short, a knowledge .
In math, we have learned how to compare numbers one through five and six through 10 also to be able
to identify and show more than an identify and show one more than and identify and show one less
than and identify more than and less than
We also had fun learning a couple of new songs for circle time and making valentines for the cart for
kids program that since Valentine’s Day every sick child in the surrounding hospitals
A groundhog’s day we learned some things about groundhogs and made little hats to wear next month.
It will do some more work on our vows in our numbers. I hope y’all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day
and don’t forget to send back the red bags with that I just requested and decorated it. It will be a great party.
Thank you so much,
Ms. Nancy
May 2015: Lesson Plans for Pre-K >
In Pre-K classroom, Angelz Funtime focuses on 4-5 letters or words as well as a math topic.